File Info Tab

Every list or analysis contains a "File Info" tab that provides information about the file. The following example is for an analysis:

  • Description: A description of the file is generated automatically based on how it was created. You can change the Description when you Save the file.

  • History: A 'Bread Crumb" history is provided so you can see how the file was created. You can retrieve intermediate steps by clicking on the links provided. You can "collapse" or "expand" the view of History by clicking on the boxes.

  • Notes: You can add notes about the file, collaboration notes, actions to be taken, etc. Notes can only be added when the file is Saved. To add a new note go to the Edit Menu and save the file again.

  • File Link: A hyperlink to the file is provided. You can copy this into reports, emails etc. NOTE: Only people you have shared the file with or who have the appropriate permissions can open the link.

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